ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Items Dialog

Used to display a list of the non-graphical business items contained in a DGN file. To view the content, you need to open a published DGN. The Items dialog displays a default tree named Active model, which shows the business items in the active DGN model including referenced models. The Items dialog supports multiple trees that can be configured to organize information differently depending on how you want to view the data.

Each tree is shown in its own group panel that can be expanded or collapsed to show and hide the different trees. To expand a group, click the down arrow (Expand Group icon); to collapse the group, click the up arrow. Only one group can be expanded at a time; if you expand a group, any previously expanded group panel automatically collapses. Once you define additional trees, you can activate them by expanding their group. The term “active tree” refers to the currently expanded group, not necessarily the one named Active model.

Opens when you click the Items tool on the Primary Tools toolbox or when you select File > Item Browser. When it opens, the Items dialog displays only one panel, the navigation tree format. Items listed are sorted alphanumerically by default. When you select an item, the Properties pane displays. When you click the Show Details icon, the Details dialog opens. Right-clicking on an item opens a menu with the option to Locate in Hierarchy. Clicking this menu expands the tree and takes you to the item’s location in the main hierarchy.

You can resize, minimize, dock, or undock the Items dialog.

Items dialog and Details dialog, docked

Key-in: items browse
Key-in: items DUMP [ path\directory\filename ]
Key-in: items COUNT
Note: Use the ITEMS DUMP key-in to save the business data from the open DGN file to a specified location and file name. You can save the data as a .TXT or .XML file.
Note: When you turn on the Transparent, Highlight, Zoom, or Isolate tool, they remain on until you turn them off. These tools can work in conjunction with one another to customize the display of the selected item.
Note: Use the ITEMS COUNT key-in to count all the items in the active DGN model, including references, and show the results of the count in the Message Center.
Open Tree Manager

Opens the Tree Manager dialog, which allows you to add, edit, and delete which allows you to view and change display settings for trees in the Items dialog.

Refresh Active Tree

Refreshes the active tree to reflect changes to the DGN file.

Show Details

Turns on or off the Details dialog.


Displays transparently graphics not associated with the selected items. Item(s) selected remain opaque.


Highlights graphics associated with the item(s) selected in the Items dialog. You can Zoom and Highlight at the same time for a better view of the item.


Zooms to the selected item(s). The zoom ratio is controlled by an option on the Items Display Settings dialog.


Displays only the selected item’s graphics; all other graphics are hidden.


When you click an item in the view, the Items dialog displays the information related to that item. A <Selection> category appears in the dialog with the item(s) and any subitem(s). The Properties and Details panes also display additional information on the selected item(s). You can activate the tool and then select an item in the tree, and the corresponding element is added to the selection set automatically.

Items Display Settings

Opens the Items Display Settings dialog, which is used to control the zoom factor for the selected item(s), as well as zoom and highlighting options for related items.


Opens the Search dialog dialog, which is used to define a query to search the repository for specific items to display in the tree.

Active Default pane

Displays a list of folder-like nodes representing the item types of the business items present in the DGN file. When you expand the item node in the dialog, a set of relationships associated with the item displays. These relationships may consist of anything related to the item, even the DGN file itself.